Morgan Stanley维持CENTENE评级为增持,最新目标价为86.00美元

CENTENE股票交易策略:2021.10.29 从技术图形上看,股价处于上涨趋势中,重点观察是否能够突破前期高点76美元,建议短线交易在20日均线上方多单持有,中长线在60日均线上方多单持有,进一步走强的可能性极高,如果冲破800元,可能会挑战历史新高。出场顺序,短线交易股价跌破20日均线转空,中长线交易跌破60日均线转空。从基本面来看,公司股价存在一定溢价,投资者注意风险。建议PE 25倍相对合适。

Morgan Stanley维持CENTENE评级为增持,最新目标价为86.00美元


2021.10.27 Morgan Stanley维持康西哥评级为增持,最新目标价为86.00美元。

CENTENE于10月26日发布2021年第三季度报告,公司截至2021年9月30日,营业收入324.06亿美元,同比去年增加11.4%,净利润5.84亿美元,同比去年增加2.82%,稀释后基本每股收益 1美元。



CENTENE于10月26日发布2021年前三季度报告,公司截至2021年9月30日,营业收入934亿美元,同比去年增加12.8%,净利润7.48亿美元,同比去年增加-58.9%,稀释后基本每股收益 1.27美元。


公司名称:Centene Corporation




公司总裁:Mark J. Brooks

办公地址:7700 Forsyth Boulevard St. Louis Missouri

Morgan Stanley维持CENTENE评级为增持,最新目标价为86.00美元


Centene Corporation, 一家财富25强公司, 是一家领先的跨国医疗企业,致力于帮助人们过上更健康的生活。该公司采取本地化的方式——与本土品牌和本土团队合作——提供完全整合的服务, 高质量, 以及为政府赞助和商业医疗保健项目提供的具有成本效益的服务, 重点关注投保不足和未投保的个人。Centene为全国近1/15的个人提供价格实惠的高质量产品, 包括医疗补助和医疗保险会员(包括医疗保险处方药计划)以及医疗保险市场服务的个人和家庭, TriCare项目, 以及教养机构中的个人。该公司还服务于多个国际市场, 并与其他医疗保健和商业机构签约,提供各种专注于治疗整个人的专业服务。Centene专注于长期增长和人民的发展, 系统和能力,使其能够更好地为会员服务, 提供者, 当地社区, 和政府合作伙伴,

About Centene Corporation

Centene Corporation, a Fortune 25 company, is a leading multi-national healthcare enterprise that is committed to helping people live healthier lives. The Company takes a local approach – with local brands and local teams – to provide fully integrated, high-quality, and cost-effective services to government-sponsored and commercial healthcare programs, focusing on under-insured and uninsured individuals. Centene offers affordable and high-quality products to nearly 1 in 15 individuals across the nation, including Medicaid and Medicare members (including Medicare Prescription Drug Plans) as well as individuals and families served by the Health Insurance Marketplace, the TRICARE program, and individuals in correctional facilities. The Company also serves several international markets, and contracts with other healthcare and commercial organizations to provide a variety of specialty services focused on treating the whole person. Centene focuses on long-term growth and the development of its people, systems and capabilities so that it can better serve its members, providers, local communities, and government partners.
